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Roofing Contractors Utah: What Is Green Roofing?

March 7, 2023

Conserving resources is important to us at Patriot Roofing, and we know that our clients feel the same. However, we also know many green energy solutions can create waste or come with trade-offs property owners would rather not make. We have a solution that sounds cutting-edge and innovative but has actually been around for thousands of years: green roofing. Roofing contractors in Utah and around the world are re-embracing green roofing.


But what is green roofing, exactly?


Green roofing is basically letting vegetation grow on top of your roof. It is the same concept as turf houses that you will find in Iceland or other Scandinavian countries. Green roofs use carefully planned landscaping to cover the roof of a house or building. The roof is still covered with waterproof weathering materials, but vegetation takes the place of traditional roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles or tiles. And the benefits of green roofing are not just ecological. It also helps insulate the building and absorb noise from the outside.


If you’re interested in talking to roofing contractors in Utah about the benefits of green roofing, you should know about your basic options first.


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Three Types of Green Roofing

Green roofs fall into three categories: intensive green, extensive green, and brown. Let’s take a look at each one.

  • Intensive Green: These roofs have larger vegetation like shrubs and trees. Creating one of these roofs is a very detailed process and it has nearly unlimited design potential. However, the heavier vegetation requires more depth to support the root system. Committing to this type of green roof will include a fair amount of regular maintenance.
  • Extensive Green: This type of roof requires less maintenance than an intensive green roof, as it uses smaller plants, such as grasses, herbs, moss, and succulents. When choosing plants for an extensive green roof, you need to consider the climate of where you live and what plants can survive the weather conditions.
  • Brown: A brown roof is a biodiverse option that attempts to mimic the ecosystem of the area that the buildings and developments replaced. Brown roofs are most common in cities to create natural habitats for birds and indigenous plants.


If you’re looking for reliable roofing contractors in Utah that share your values, you need Patriot Roofing! Contact us at 801-937-9602 for a quote.